Entries by moniKA_HO

Von der Krise zur Chance – Senior Digital ist das neue normal

Was sind eigentlich “SenioDigital Nomads”? Und wie lebe ich damit, die ich selber seit noch nicht allzu langer Zeit eine solche Nomadin bin? Wie lässt sich überdies aus der Krise eine neue Chance basteln? Antworten auf diese Fragen gibt´s hier bei Pioneer – eine innovatives Podcast Format. Hört doch einfach mal rein in das Interview, das die […]

Senior is the new normal – From Brussels to the Beach

The Covid-19 Crisis, and even more so the drastic measurements around the world taken to tackle it, came as a shock for many of us – especially those among us working independently and heavily dependig on direct human contact. But some of us are trying to turn thar shock into opportunity. Read more about the […]

On the road to a new life

  Belgium following me into my new life! Thanks to “De Morgen” for this nice article about me and fellow digital nomads on their way to new professional and private adventures.  

Inspire Change – through inspiring images

Sometimes a picture says more than words – this is once again true for the photo exhibition and competition run by @CIDSE, the international family of 17 Catholic social justice organisatons, based in Brussels. The campaign “Change for the Planet – Care for the People” was launched in February: Photographers around the globe were asked […]

Because of Europe frustration – on the contrary:

At the Open Day in Brussels on 6 May, the lines in front of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission were so long that some visitors had to wait up to two hours for the visit. The mood did not spoil them. Good mood, super-weather: In Brussels, Europe had already won the day […]

Fancy exotic dishes with meaningful contribution?

Enough time for talking to his guests only comes after having managed two shifts of full menus, but Obada Otabashi is happy about being that busy. The man from Syria, who came to Belgium 2 years ago, represents the initiative #WeExist, an NGO created by a mixed team of volunteers: refugees from Obadas home country […]

First SDG Festival: Appeal to citizens worldwide, but where are the politicians?

In the end, Goal number 3: health and well-being for all, Goal Number 5: gender equality and Goal 13: climate action were achieved – but only in the fictitious country of “Hive Mind”, a digital game that determined a big part of the three-days “Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development” (GFI4SD) last week in […]